A Comparison of the European and Native American Cultures

Culture is usually defined as a set of beliefs and values that affect the attitude and behavior of an individual. However it can also be defined as borrowed beliefs and values that affect attitudes and behaviors. Every country has its own culture however some countries have a blend of two or more cultures primarily due to the existing population diversity. One example of such a country is the United States of America (USA). The country has a population of approximately 250,000,000 and a size that is almost as huge as a continent. With a country this big, it is not surprising to say that it is perhaps the most culturally diverse nation in the world. This is primarily due to the cultural invasion of Europe and other countries into America and its Native American culture. This paper attempts to compare the European and Native American cultures and to analyze the encounter of both these cultures.

The Differences
Native Americans are the indigenous or local population of USA that faced a lot of problems during and after the European colonization of USA. The Native Americans had an old way of thinking and doing things compared to the new and comparatively modern ways of Europe. This was largely due to the difference in their cultures and backgrounds. The main cultural clash was between savagery of the Native Americans and the civilized culture of the Europeans. The Natives were more of a wild nature and indulged in practices such as cannibalization. This no doubt was a cultural shock to the Europeans who were much more civilized and proper in their ways.
A major cultural difference between the Europeans and the Native Americans was in their attitude towards the natural habitat and land. The Mother Earth was sacred to the Natives. It was something they loved, respected, and claimed they had a connection with it. A relationship of spirituality existed between the Natives and the Mother Earth. Nature was Godly to the Natives they thanked it and prayed to it. To the civilized cultures this concept was interesting and totally alien. To the Europeans and other New World societies, land was synonymous to territory, property, business, and power. The Europeans thought the Natives were wasting such a productive land and that it could be easily traded which would generate money and wealth. This difference of thinking became one of the root causes of the many wars fought between the two it was a fight of cultures. The Europeans without any hesitance made their own rules and decided to make it part of their territory. They started trading on the land of the Natives and found no shame in it as for them it was fighting against the people who did not believe in the real God or more simply non-Christians.

Another difference that arose after the European invasion was the others concept. The Native Americans never distinguished themselves from the other native tribes. However after the European invasion they did find the difference and started differentiating themselves from the Europeans. Nonetheless these others became one after a certain point. All the cultures mixed in with the others just like the European cultures had gotten mixed up amongst the other European cultures. The American culture that prevailed after the invasion was a mix of all the European cultures, and the one that prevails now is definitely a blend of the old and the new world cultures.

The Similarities 
Amongst the similarities, one similarity that was observed between both these cultures was that of the attitude towards war. The Europeans showed no resentment in adopting the war culture of the Native Americans. Both displayed savage like behavior at the war front as winning by any means was the sole motive. The Native military manners were something the Europeans adopted very easily.
A healthy similarity of both cultures was the exchange of plants, insects, and animals. Both cultures showed no apprehension towards adopting grain, animal vehicles, and other vegetation. The Natives were unfamiliar with the European animals such as cows, pigs, and horses, and the Europeans with the different fruits and vegetables of the Native land. This healthy exchange of goods led to the future development of both the worlds. The Natives made use of these animals to a great extent and with the help of these animals, especially horses they went and explored the inner lands. They used animals as a means of transport and traded with other native tribes. Moreover these animals were used for entertainment as well such as hunting and other activities. The animal population of the Native land also increased as many of these animals began breeding.
One similarity found between the New World population and the Siberians was in their spiritual belief. Both the Natives and the Siberians believed plants and the nature having a spiritual connect. Both had spiritual healers known as Shamans who had the power of healing people with diseases.
Culture is also seen in ones environment and houses etc. The Natives and Siberians shared a similar topography and therefore had similar dwellings and Tepees. The environment was similar hence many of the materials used for construction were similar too.
An interesting inference that can be made from all this study is perhaps the inclination of the Native Americans towards the European culture. Of course the Natives found an advantage in adapted to the European ways of doing things because of which they familiarized themselves with the European culture. The European culture suited the Native Americans and that is why we see the modern day American still following the same cultural blend.

The unfolding of these cultural conflicts led to frequent wars and confrontations between the Native Americans and European cultures. These confrontations and the merging of both these worlds brought in a lot of good as well as bad things into the native land of the Americans. The Europeans transmitted diseases to the Natives that they had not even heard of let alone have the cure for it. Apart from the many small battles, the Natives were moved away from main lands and were pushed into the remotest of areas. Their land was taken away from them, they were murdered for land, they were made slaves of the Europeans, and many of their women were forced into marriages with the Europeans. The new diseases and intermarriages led to the decline of the Native American population as well as a growing hatred for the Europeans.

The main event that unfolded after the clash of so many cultures the new and the old world, was the ultimate war of independence fought by the Americans. Freedom and other ideas associated with it were developed by the Native Americans and were extensively displayed to the Europeans during the revolutionary period. The Europeans were not aware of such a strong freedom spirit that prevailed amongst the Americans which they displayed wholeheartedly and finally won their land and their independence from the foreign cultures that had invaded their Mother Earth.


sugarplum03 said...

what are your resources for this article?

worldcultures said...

why are you portraying natives as savage and the europeans as civilized

Anonymous said...

wow. this is an awfully one-sided article.

Unknown said...

This is extremely biased

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